MTEB consists of 58 datasets covering 112 languages from 8 embedding tasks: Bitext mining, classification, clustering, pair classification, reranking, retrieval, STS and summarization.


Bitext Mining: Inputs are two sets of sentences from two different languages. For each sentence in the first set, the best match in the second set needs to be found.

Classification: A train and test set are embedded with the provided model. The train set embeddings are used to train a logistic regression classifier with 100 maximum iterations, which is scored on the test set.

Clustering: Given a set of sentences or paragraphs, the goal is to group them into meaningful clusters.

Pair Classification: A pair of text inputs is provided and a label needs to be assigned. Labels are typically binary variables denoting duplicate or paraphrase pairs.

Reranking: Inputs are a query and a list of relevant and irrelevant reference texts. The aim is to rank the results according to their relevance to the query.

Retrieval: Each dataset consists of a corpus, queries and a mapping for each query to relevant documents from the corpus. The aim is to find these relevant documents.1

Semantic Textual Similarity (STS): Given a sentence pair the aim is to determine their similarity. Labels are continuous scores with higher numbers indicating more similar sentences.

Summarization: A set of human-written and machine-generated summaries are provided. The aim is to score the machine summaries.

Code available at:

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