Hereās a handy script to calculate row and actual column sizes12:
create or replace function column_sizes(target_table regclass)
returns table (column_name text, column_size bigint)
language plpgsql stable parallel restricted as $function$
rec record;
parsed_target_table text[]:=parse_ident(target_table::text);
schema_name text:=case when parsed_target_table[2] is not null then
parsed_target_table[1] end;
table_name text:=parsed_target_table[array_upper(parsed_target_table,1)];
for rec in execute format(' select column_name
from information_schema.columns
where (%1$L is null or table_schema = %1$L)
and (%2$L is null or table_name = %2$L)',
table_name ) loop
return query execute format(
'select %1$L,sum(pg_column_size(%1$I))::bigint from %s',
end loop;
end $function$;
select * from column_sizes('schema.table');
However, this function can be really intensive for tables with lots of rows since it will have to process each of them. If rows are fairly consistent and any of them can be representative of the whole set, consider using only the first one:
create or replace function column_sizes(target_table regclass)
returns table (column_name text, column_size bigint)
language plpgsql stable parallel restricted as $function$
rec record;
parsed_target_table text[]:=parse_ident(target_table::text);
schema_name text:=case when parsed_target_table[2] is not null then
parsed_target_table[1] end;
table_name text:=parsed_target_table[array_upper(parsed_target_table,1)];
for rec in execute format(' select column_name
from information_schema.columns
where (%1$L is null or table_schema = %1$L)
and (%2$L is null or table_name = %2$L)',
table_name ) loop
return query execute format(
'select %1$L pg_column_size(%1$I)::bigint from %s limit 1',
end loop;
end $function$;
Alternatively, consider using a subset of rows, which could be done by obtaining a random subset and summing them, then diving it by the amount of rows (not shown here).