1. Log in into your TikTok account
  2. Navigate to Settings > Account > Data
  3. Download your data
  4. On Request Data, select your Activity (which includes Likes), and TXT format
  5. Download your data
  6. De-compress the zip file
  7. Extract the links from your Activity/Like List.txt
cat ~/Downloads/Tiktok/Activity/Like\ List.txt | grep Link | sed 's/Link:\ //' > list.txt
  1. Install yt-dlp.
  2. If on Mac, unblock it from being executed:
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine yt-dlp_macos
chmod +x ./yt-dlp_macos
mv yt-dlp_macos ~/.local/bin/yt-dlp
  1. Download all of those. Use IDs as filenames as descriptions can be invalid for filenames.
yt-dlp -a list.txt -o '%(id)s.%(ext)s'