The standard deviation is defined as the root square of the variance:
The definition can be converted directly into an algorithm that computes the variance and standard deviation in two passes: compute the mean in one pass over the data, and then do a second pass to compute the squared differences from the mean.
Welford’s method is a usable single-pass method for computing the variance. It can be derived by looking at the differences between the sums of squared differences for N and N-1 samples
This means we can compute the variance in a single pass using the following algorithm:
M := 0
S := 0
for k from 1 to N:
x := samples[k]
oldM := M
M := M + (x-M)/k
S := S + (x-M)*(x-oldM)
return S/(N-1)
The algorithm can be extended to handle unequal sample weights, replacing the simple counter n with the sum of weights seen so far. West suggests this incremental algorithm:
def weighted_incremental_variance(data_weight_pairs):
w_sum = w_sum2 = mean = S = 0
for x, w in data_weight_pairs:
w_sum = w_sum + w
w_sum2 = w_sum2 + w**2
mean_old = mean
mean = mean_old + (w / w_sum) * (x - mean_old)
S = S + w * (x - mean_old) * (x - mean)
population_variance = S / w_sum
# Bessel's correction for weighted samples
# Frequency weights
sample_frequency_variance = S / (w_sum - 1)
# Reliability weights
sample_reliability_variance = S / (w_sum - w_sum2 / w_sum)